The History of the Wisconsin State Patrol Motorcycle Unit
The Wisconsin State Patrol has operated motorcycles since 1957. The Patrol started with BMW’s and then went to Kawasaki’s. In 1985 the Patrol purchased five Harley-Davidson motorcycles. At the end of 1997 the Patrol sold the five 1985 FXRP Harley-Davidson motorcycles at auction and purchased five new 1997 FLHTP Harley-Davidson bikes. The Division purchased five new 2000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles which arrived in spring 2000. In the summer of 2003, the five 2000 bikes were sold and the State Patrol began leasing 5 Harley-Davidson Electra Glides. From 2003 to 2007 the Patrol continued to lease motorcycles. In 2008 the Patrol purchased eight 2008 FLHTP H-D motorcycles. We currently have 16 training riders.

Information and Photos provided by the Wisconsin State Patrol