The History of the Hollywood Police Department Motorcycle Unit
Hollywood, Florida, the “Diamond of The Gold Coast,” was incorporated on November 28, 1925. The new “city” was approximately 640 acres and the first police department employed 10 sworn officers, Today, the second largest City in Broward County, Hollywood covers 28 square miles and the police department employs 340 sworn officers and 273 non-sworn support personnel.
The Department operates under unique conditions. The city that was founded by Joseph Young as a tourist mecca, has maintained the image through the years. Our year-round population of 130,000 residents increases to 250,000 during the winter months. In addition to the population infusion, we serve Port Everglades; one of the largest deep-water ports in the United States.
Our department handles an average of 131,000 calls for police services a year. To maintain the highest level of efficiency, we incorporate state of the art equipment with on-going innovative in-house training programs.
Under the leadership of Chad Wagner, Chief of Police, the department motto “Serving with Honor & Committed to Community Needs” is emphasized by the involvement of many employees in volunteer Community Service activities.

Information and Photos provided by the Hollywood, FL Police Department.