Orlando, FL Police Department

The History of the Orlando Police Department Motorcycle Unit

The Orlando Police Motorcycle Unit was established in 1921 for traffic enforcement and accident investigations.  The unit currently has 35 Harley-Davidson FLHP-I motorcycles.  As part of the department’s Community Oriented Policing orientation, the primary enforcement emphasis is on neighborhood traffic complaints.  Officers assigned to the unuit are also responible for traffic control at the more then 400 special events occuring in the city each year.This unit along with Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s Motor Unit work together as a team to provide escort service for visiting dignitaries such as the President and Vice President of the United States.  They are only team that trains with the United States Secret Service.

The Traffic Homicide Unit is a part of the Traffic Enforcement Section.  Comprised of one sergeant and four detectives, these officers investigate all fatal crashes as well as hit and run crashes that occur within the city limits of Orlando.  All of the members of this unit are trained in accident reconstruction and use state of the art crash scene mapping technology and CAD drawing systems.  These officers are also motorcycle officers and are required to assist in all special events and dignitary escorts.

Motor Officer Jack Frost 1970’s
Clarence Bass 1975
Mid 1980’s
Karin Weaver First Female Motor Officer
Motor Officer David Morrill
Photo provided by Stephen King
Photo provided by Stephen King
Bike Week 2010
2013 Space Coast Police Motorcycle Rodeo
2013 Space Coast Police Motorcycle Rodeo
2014 South East Police Motorcycle Rodeo

Information and Photos provided by the Orlando, FL Police Department.