Lafayette, CO Police Department

Lafayette, CO Police Department

The History of the Lafayette Police Department Motorcycle Unit

Lafayette’s first motor officer was Town Marshall Harry Flint in 1932. No record of the first motorcycle he rode, but in 1936, Marshall Flint was known to ride the Harley Davidson EL Model.

1936 Harley Davidson EL

Harley-Davidson wasted no time building momentum out of the depression, introducing its EL model, featuring the 61 ci (1000cc) overhead valve engine, also known as the “Knucklehead.”

Marshall Flint crashed his bike sometime in the 1930s going after a violator. The motor unit did not exist then for the next 60 years. In 2003, the Lafayette Police Department reintroduced police motorcycles. Officers John Sellers and James Johnson were the first assigned to the unit and rode Harley Davidson Electra-Glides. The unit is still in existence today, same model bikes, with Officers Sean Jenneiahn and Jason Thompson assigned.

Lafayette Motor Officers John Sellers and James Johnson
on 2003 Harley Davidson Electra Glides
Sean Jenneiahn wins 2nd at the Top Gun Motor Officer Competition

Information and Photos provided by the Lafayette, CO Police Department