The History of the Longview Police Department Motorcycle Unit
Longview Police Department motor unit as far as we can tell was started here in the 40’s. The officers started on Harleys and the Cushman three wheel cart. A officer named Joe Stewart, was one of the initial motor officers and rode for 38 years before retiring as a Lt. He continued to ride up to his retirement day. He passed away in the late 80’s. He is still the only officer above rank of Sgt. to ride full time. The department has been on Harleys almost exclusively, except for about a 5 year period in the early 80’s when they rode Kawasaki. The number of motor officers has fluctuated between 2 and 5 for the most part. In the last 10 years, the number has risen to 9 officers, which is our current number. The motors are assigned to our Traffic Unit and are responsible for all major accidents, hit & runs, and traffic enforcement duties. We also perform funeral, dignitary, and oversize load escorts. All of Longview Police Department motor officers are trained by the Harley/Northwestern motor school, and by the senior motor officer when they return.

Information and Photos provided by the Longview, TX Police Department