The History of the Creve Coeur Police Department Motorcycle Unit
The Creve Coeur Police Department Motorcycle Unit began in 1979, when they received a 1979 Kawasaki Police 1000 via a government grant. Officer Bob Darlington was the first motorcycle traffic officer. In 1984, Officer Gary Lively became the second motor traffic officer. A short time later, the Creve Coeur Police Department received another motorcycle, this time a 1985 Honda 500. Officer Darlington rode the Kawasaki and Officer Lively rode the Honda. (Ironically shortly before retiring Officer Darlington served a second assignment as a motor officer/TSO in 2003 again riding Kawasaki’s) Creve Coeur’s next motor officer was Glen Eidman. Motor Officer Eidman rose through the ranks eventually being appointed Chief of Police in 2009. In 1995 Creve Coeur received its first Harley Davidson Police Motor. Chief Eidman and Gary Lively were the motor men for about six – eight years, until June of 1990. Then with July 1, 1990 Eidman went into the Det. Bureau and Lively was detached to the St. Louis County Drug Unit.
From June of 1990 – 1995 Glen Williams was the only traffic officer, So for me, my time in the traffic section was June 1990 – October 1997. My motorcylce training was in Milwaukee, WI by the Northwestern University folks in 1991; held at the Harley plant.
In 1995, Officer Ed Davis joined Glen Williams in the traffic section and was a motorman in 1995 to July 2001. Officer Ed Davis is now retiring, November 1, 2018 after 28 years of honorable, truly committed service
In 1996 the department purchased two new Kawasaki KZ1000 Police Motorcycles. These two motors were operational for the next eight years until 2005.Motor Officers Ed Davis, Don Aulbert, and Bill Funkhouser were assigned to the traffic division through 1998. After that, the Kawasaki had some engine issues and was put into a Police Museum that was started by the ex-Chief of police of Sunset Hills Missouri; Chief Floyd Dunlap. For years the department operated with a two man traffic unit. Increasing traffic volume and related crashes brought the necessity of assigning a third traffic safety/motor officer. The first three man unit was staffed by Officers Jamison White, Darrel Spector and Jon Romas in 2002. The unit was supervised by future Chief Glen Eidman. Chief Eidman was instrumental in acquiring new Harley Davidson Electra-glide motorcycles for the department in 2005. Several officers have manned the unit until present day; including Officers Chris Orr, Mike Vaclavik, Ronald Garner, Charles Parker and Tom Exline. The Creve Coeur Traffic Unit remains a three officer unit operating 2009 Harley Davidson Electra-glide motorcycles. The City of Creve Coeur is situated in the middle of St. Louis County. We experience heavy traffic volume from several nearby interstate highways, US highways and state routes as well as a thriving business community. The Harley Davidson Electra-glide motorcycles serve the department well, allowing motor officers to navigate through congested traffic when responding to calls, often allowing the motor officers to be the first to arrive.
Information and Photos provided by the Creve Coeur, MO Police Department.