The History of the Kenosha Police Department Motorcycle Unit
We have had many people ask about our motor unit and of wanting to see the officers. We currently have six motor officers on the KPD. The KPD Motor Unit did exist years ago but was disbanded in the mid 1970’s. In 1997, now retired Officer Jim Huff put together a package to bring the motor unit back to the KPD. With the help of Uke’s Harley Davidson in Kenosha, the KPD Motor Unit started up again with four motor officers in 1998. Two officers were assigned to dayshift and two were assigned to 2nd shift. All motor officers attended at that time, the 80 hour/two week Northwestern/Harley Davidson rider training course. A few years later, the KPD added two more motorcycles to its fleet to bring the fleet to its current six motor fleet. Three motor officers are currently on dayshift and three are currently on second shift and they ride for a large portion of the year, depending on the weather. The motorcycles that the officers are currently riding are Harley Davidson Electra Glides. All motor officers train once a month to keep their riding skills sharp. All photos taken by Sgt. Fredericksen.

Information and Photos provided by the Kenosha, WI Police Department.