The History of the Darien Police Department Motorcycle Unit
The Darien PD currently has 2 Harley Davidson Police Road King motorcycles as part of our patrol fleet. There are two officers that are certified through a 2 ½ week national police motorcycle safety course who are assigned to ride our motorcycles. These two motorcycle officers are deployed for the sole purpose of traffic enforcement and serve as our department’s traffic division.
The Darien PD initially used motorcycles as patrol vehicles in the early 1900’s, but they were eventually phased out during the 1960’s. In the spring of 2006, the Darien PD began its current use of motorcycles by adding one motorcycle to its patrol fleet, and assigned one officer for the purpose of traffic enforcement. In the spring of 2007, the second motorcycle was added to our patrol fleet, and the second officer was added to our newly formed traffic division.
Although our motorcycle officers are deployed solely for traffic enforcement, they are also used for special events such as parades, escorts, funerals, special events, and memorial functions. These officers are also responsible for developing and instituting traffic safety initiatives within our town, and they spearhead any of our department’s traffic safety enforcement/education campaigns. We have found that the police motorcycle is a great public relations tool, because it draws much attention and questions from the general public.
Our motorcycle officers ride year-round, with the exception of severe road conditions. They utilize heated gear (socks, gloves, and vest) during the winter months, and gore-tex outerwear during times of rain. Generally, these officers will work during the day shift when there is peak traffic, but they are able to modify their schedules to meet any special needs of the department.

Information and Photos provided by the Darien, CT Police Department